Whitehall township permits. Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
Whitehall township permits 1/2025. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP REVISED JUNE 2024 PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for all new installations, extensions, resurfacing, and/or replacements of driveways. They meet on an as-needed basis. Height of Structure Above Grade: ft. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP MOVING PERMIT Moving into Whitehall _____ Moving Out of Whitehall _____ Moving Within Whitehall _____ $5. 02 (a) — New One and Two Family Residential construction Direction in opening a business in Whitehall Township Street Opening Inspection Curb & Sidewalk Inspection Utility Location via PA One Call Township Infrastructure Records Management The Bureau is divided into the following divisions: Engineering & Utility Liaison / Coordination 610-437-5524 ext. Please fill out the building permit application which WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP 3219 MACARTHUR ROAD WHITEHALL, PA 18052 No. 1158, 1162 or 1138 Permitting 610-437-5524 South Whitehall Township voluntarily participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). ALL SIGN ALTERATIONS, INCLUDING CHANGE OF FACE, REQUIRE A NEW PERMIT. Presents an interactive representation of the South Whitehall Township Zoning Ordinance. 1158, 1162 or 1138 Permitting Permits Clerk ext. receive an email with conditions of permit. The Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Earned Income Tax - Tax Office - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road Whitehall, PA 18052 Fax # 610-435-5518 PLEASE NOTE: Whitehall Township does not keep copies of insurance certificates on file. m. If your permit is a building, electrical, plumbing or mechanical permit, this process shall take no more than 15 business days for residential and 30 business days for commercial, unless the Township Zoning Officer or inspection agency requires additional information, then the clock will restart when this information is received. . 00 per sign. Direction in opening a business in Whitehall Township Street Opening Inspection Curb & Sidewalk Inspection Utility Location via PA One Call Township Infrastructure Records Management The Bureau is divided into the following divisions: Engineering & Utility Liaison / Coordination 610-437-5524 ext. 610-437-5524, ext. There are some exemptions, which are listed below. 2. Failure to file a return and/or pay the required tax amount due and/or license fee of $35. Hours: Monday – South Whitehall Township has adopted Pennsylvania’s Uniform Construction Code Act 45 of 2004. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP ROOF PERMIT CHECKLIST Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. Applications for above permits are available at the Fruitland Township Hall, 4545 Nestrom Road, Whitehall, MI 49461, Monday – Thursday 8:00 a. Address: 4545 Nestrom Road, Whitehall, MI 49461 Phone: (231) 766-3208 Completed building AND electrical permit applications. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania When are Residential Zoning Permits required? Fences not more than 6 feet in height in the rear and side yard and 4 feet in height in the front yard and retaining walls not more than 4 feet in WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP Revised March 2021 PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for all new installations and/or replacements of sheds. APPLICATION FOR STREET EXCAVATION PERMIT . Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays Fee Schedule for Whitehall Township NOTE: ALL PERMITS ISSUED MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING FEES ADDED: Residential - $10. org YARD BASEMENT 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH. 50 PA Act 13 Fee Plan review fees must be added unless otherwise noted. Before you can obtain a building permit you must verify if zoning approval is required. 7 %âãÏÓ 824 0 obj > endobj 844 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[3F0FA910EFFB62428520FFFF97EF8423>866583EA0365E44F9876584D11134F6A>]/Index[824 53]/Info 823 0 R Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Permitting / Codes Enforcement - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm North Whitehall Township, PA Building Permit ServiceGet your permit the easy way with Permits. Zoning Portal. No. ($150. 1131 TO BE ACCEPTED, PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: Completed sign permit application. 00 Processing Fee - One form for each household/family payable to the Whitehall Township Tax Office. 50 per $1,000 of North Whitehall Township Lehigh County, Pennsylvania 3256 Levans Road Coplay, Pa 18037 Phone: 610-799-3411 / Fax: 610-799-9639 HIGHWAY OCCUPANCY PERMIT APPLICATION Highway Occupancy Permit Application www. a building permit is applied for and if the project meets the Uniform Building Code, a building permit is issued. This is accomplished WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP . Indicate the %PDF-1. Permits are issued at the Township Tax Office during regular business hours, 8:00am to 4:00pm. 00150) of Gross Receipts ($1. Shade Tree Committee reviews shade tree removal permits as well as landscaping plans for new development and advocates for the use of native plants. Beautiful parks and trails, well-kept roads and facilities, highly regarded schools, open space and easy accessibility to the region all add up to a fantastic place to live, play and grow. Author: Kristin Koehler WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP SUBMITTAL FOR DEMOLITION Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. ) A permit is required to place a Temporary Public Service Sign(s) on public lands under the control or maintained by Whitehall Township. 6 Required operational permits the fire code official is authorized to issue operational permits for the operations set forth in Sections 105. 2022 Meeting Minutes; 2022 Planning Commission Minutes Whitehall Township Hall 7644 Durham Rd. 1131 TO BE ACCEPTED, DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: Completed building permit application. 1162 Tyson Gatti Engineering Liaison/Utility Coordinator ext. 7. For additional information, TOWNSHIP OF WHITEHALL ZONING HEARING BOARD RESULTS OF PUBLIC HEARINGS February 21, 2023 He has all required licenses, Permits and Business Privilege License records. 1131 ($60. org FOR NEW DWELLING UNITS OR ADDITIONS, PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ELEVATION DRAWINGS: All elevations must be shown. depweb. C. fruitlandtwp. Must be filled out and (610) 437-5524 Ext. ] § A29-1. and Friday 8:00 a. Our office hours are from 8 AM until 4 PM, Monday through Friday Contact us when you want to Find out, generally, "Can I do this on my property?" Dial 610-437-5524 and then the extension. 2765. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION. Administration: 610-398-0401. _____ 2 REVISED 10/2023 X X X BUILDING DIMENSIONS (610) 437-5524 Ext 1131 www. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP COMMERCIAL PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION KEYCODES INSPECTION AGENCY 3219 MacArthur Road 1307 W. 00 per offense, recoverable with costs. 1131 Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Tax Office - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PLAN REQUIREMENTS and CODE GUIDELINES Revised JANUARY 2022 3219 MacArthur Road 610-437-5524 Ext. 1162 or 1158. Permit/License Type Document Link: Construction Permit Application - Non-Residential: Construction Permit Application, Non-Residential South Whitehall Township, PA. This is a free permit and is required to ensure the safety and well-being of the public and trees in the right WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP SUBMITTAL FOR DEMOLITION Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. He serviced Coplay Police vehicles through the end of 2022. org PLAN REVIEW AGENCY: Phone: 610-866-9663 THIS IS FOR PLAN REVIEW ONLY. 1131 TO BE ACCEPTED, ROOF PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: Completed building permit application. 1 Aerosol products. org. 1131 Permit/License Type Document Link: Construction Permit Application - Non-Residential: Construction Permit Application, Non-Residential South Whitehall Township, PA. Permits that are pulled after work has been done will be charged an additional $50 “after-the-fact” fee. Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Permitting / Codes Enforcement - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Building Permits Montague City Hall; 231-893-1155; News. North Whitehall Township appoints as our primary third party code-compliant agencies to perform building plan review and building inspections as required by Act 45, of the Uniform Construction Code. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT: 1. Any environmental concerns and/or challenges affecting Whitehall Township. 610-437-5524 Ext. Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Whitehall Township Hall 7644 Durham Rd. The fee schedule for the Township of Whitehall is set forth below: M-1 Amusement game license. Phone: (231) 893-2095. • 105. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PLAN REQUIREMENTS and CODE GUIDELINES Revised JANUARY 2022 3219 MacArthur Road 610-437-5524 Ext. 48. Not complying with this ordinance will result in your bill being sent for delinquency. 105. 00 for each additional linear foot. Document Downloads. Contact South Whitehall Township at 610-398-0401 if you have questions. The permit will be issued only to recognized Whitehall Township Organizations such as the Historical Society, the Volunteer Fire Department, the Emergency Management Department Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Forms & Documents - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm The Permit Department handles all residential and commercial permits submitted to the Township. Indicate the WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP 3219 MACARTHUR ROAD WHITEHALL, PA 18052 No. The Resident Resource Hub provides one-stop access to various Geographic Information System (GIS) and planning resources made available through esri ArcGIS Online. Must be filled out and (Please note that other permit application reviews may also apply. 00 per sign PLUS Escrow Fee: $100. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP SUBMITTAL FOR COMMERCIAL SIGNS Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. 1158 WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP COMMERCIAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. Completed Permit Application – include correct address including Suite #, Cost of Construction, Description (610) 437-5524 Ext. $60. Get a permit in ; South Whitehall Township, PA with our permit expediter service Located in the Northwestern area of the Lehigh Valley, North Whitehall has many of the attributes you want to see in a community. Get a permit in ; North Whitehall Township, PA with our permit expediter service How to Submit your Special Event Permit Application: (Event on Township Property) South Whitehall Township, PA. Zoning Permits - must be completed and signed by both the contractor and property owner. Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM We are accepting permit applications at the Township Building at 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown PA 18104. 1131 www. The operational permits will be required for all the items listed below. Click here to visit the hub, or read more about the available resources below. Loose stone or gravel is not permitted. South Whitehall Township, PA. If you are moving out, in or within you must submit a moving permit to the Treasurer’s office. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. All permits shall be requested by ordinance, issued to the owner of the land upon which the Whitehall Township Bureau of Fire 3219 MacArthur Blvd Whitehall, Pennsylvania 18052 Phone: 610-437-5524 Fax: 610-437-6963. 00 for 40 linear feet (or any fraction thereof) plus $ 2. Whitehall Township Hall 7644 Durham Rd. 6. 00 for commercial, $60. Whitehall, MI 49461-9513. 50 PA Act 13 Fee Commercial - $20. Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Online Payments - Tax Office - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon Permits Clerk ext. Rental Income within South Whitehall Township is subject to the Business Privilege Tax, at a rate of one and one-half mils (. Fee schedule. Additional fees will be due at permit All zoning is guided by the Whitehall Township Zoning Ordinance, (Chapter 27 of the Whitehall Township Codified Ordinances). 00 per week. For this reason the Zoning Officer is charged with reviewing all building and occupancy permits, as well Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Yes, any person or persons moving into, out of, or within the Township must obtain a moving permit. 00 per year. Non-refundable application fee ($150. All persons (including minors) must be listed on this form for Whitehall-Coplay School District purposes. org 3/2/2023 PROJECT LOCATION (ADDRESS): PROPERTY OWNER: ADDRESS: PERMIT APPLICANT: ADDRESS: 1. 1131 each permit application payable to Whitehall Township. Permits are also required for any change of use or occupancy of a Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Township Real Estate Tax - Tax Office - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Direction in opening a business in Whitehall Township The Bureau is divided into the following divisions: Engineering & Utility Liaison / Coordination 610-437-5524 ext. A new insurance certificate must be presented with each and every permit application at the time of submission. This form is available in our forms and documents section to be completed yearly. 00). 00 Township Permit Fee + $4. e. To obtain a permit all solicitors must provide photo identification and abide by certain regulations in the Township Many of these actions are carried out through a designated Township Shade Tree Coordinator. Even after demolition of the building he had vehicles there for sale; and made 5 – 7 sales, and did repairs Active Solicitation Permits Door-to-door sales in North Whitehall Township are allowed by permit only. WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP GENERATOR SUBMITTAL GUIDE Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. You may write out (1) one check for both fees. org 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall PA 18052 WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP SIGN PERMIT NOTE: A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION IS REQUIRED FOR EACH SIGN. The Uniform Construction Code (UCC) adopts the International Code Council’s 2015 model codes with certain exceptions and references. PLEASE NOTE: Driveway surfaces are to be of an approved impervious pavement surface (i. 3219 MacArthur Road Whitehall, PA 18052 610-437-5524 Ext. ft. whitehalltownship. 4444 Whitehall Township Hall 7644 Durham Rd. com® We simplify how contractors and trade professionals get construction-related permits for residential and light commercial projects using our permit expediter service. Firmettes are preferred when submitting a Special Flood Hazard Permit Application and will expedite the processing of the application. Located in the Northwestern area of the Lehigh Valley, North Whitehall has many of the attributes you want to see in a community. Building Dept. 3219 MacArthur Rd, Whitehall, PA 18052 . Subsequent amendments noted where applicable. Please attach two (2) copies of the drawing of the proposed sign. Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Currently, South Whitehall Township uses a combination Zoning/Building Permit application form which can be downloaded from the Forms section on this page. 1/2025 . Fill out all pertinent information, especially: the address of the subject property; a description of what you propose to do; the owner's permission (by his or her own signature); telephone numbers of the people we may Each member of this Board serves three years and must possess, at a minimum, a Master Plumber's license from either Whitehall Township or another equivalent, tested municipality in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Any property owner wishing to remove or conduct major pruning to a tree within the public right-of-way must first obtain a Shade Tree Permit. We are accepting permit applications at the Township Building at 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown PA 18104. APPLICATION DATE INSPECTION DATE . 00 could result in fines up to $600. All files are in PDF format and require the Free Acrobat Reader. South Whitehall Township adopted Pennsylvania’s Uniform Construction Code known as Act 45 of 1999, on June 16, 2004 with Ordinance No. 00 for residential) for both the building and electrical permit application payable to Whitehall Township. Lehigh Street Whitehall, PA 18052 Bethlehem, PA 18018 Phone: 610-437-5524 Ext. 1 Revised JANUARY 2025 WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 3219 MacArthur Road Whitehall, PA 18052 ISSUE DATE: _____ 610-437-5524 Ext. 00 for commercial. - Noon or at www. 00 All others: $ 250. PERMIT COST $ _____ APPLICANT SIGNATURE NAMEPRINT APPLICANT APPROVED (AS NOTED) WHITEHALL TWP Rev. northwhitehall. _____ 2 REVISED 10/2023 X X X BUILDING DIMENSIONS Existing Building Area: sq. Sealcoating does NOT require a permit. Police Administration: 610-398-0337. For meeting schedule please view our calendar. For residential construction, the building code of record is the International Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Garbage Recycling Bills - Tax Office - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm The local service tax is required for all employees, self-employed, partners, and owners of businesses who work in Whitehall Township with an income of more than $12,000. 1131 TO BE ACCEPTED, SOLAR PANEL PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: Completed building AND WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP COMMERCIAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. CURB/SIDEWALK: NO FEE UNLESS Twp Survey Stakeout Required then Fee is: Single Family Residence: $ 50. Escrow will be released back to the applicant once signs are removed by given deadline. Escrow will be released back to the . pa. Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PLAN REQUIREMENTS and CODE GUIDELINES Revised JANUARY 2022 3219 MacArthur Road 610-437-5524 Ext. Open Space and Whitehall Township regulates storm water management through a permit that is obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) www. 1131 Brandon Werner Engineering Liaison/Utility Coordinator ext. INSPECTIONS: It is the responsibility of the applicant (permit holder) to request the required For ease of use we have divided each section by department. Additional fees will be (Please note that other permit application reviews may also apply. Additional fees will be due at permit issuance. 1131 TO BE ACCEPTED, COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: Completed permit application(s). No permits will be accepted without this paperwork. Inspectors For Building / Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Forms & Documents - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Permits: No swimming pool as defined herein or appurtenances thereto shall be constructed, installed, enlarged, altered or used until the required permits and inspections have been obtained from the Whitehall Township ureau of Planning, Zoning and Development. This is a federal requirement from the Welcome to Whitehall Township, we hope that your proposed business is successful, and we are happy that you have chosen Whitehall as the location where you want to If you are a business proposing to establish your facility in Whitehall Township, there are a number of permits and pro-cedures required prior to occupying or using a structure (610) 437-5524 Ext 1131 www. 797. state. Building Permits News. You can drop them off inside our newly renovated building or in our secure drop box outside the office. 1 through 105. Moving permits are $5. ) A Building Permit is NOT required (however a Zoning Permit may be required) for the following: Alterations when the fair market value, including labor and materials, is less than five hundred dollars ($500. Amusement Game Licenses are required within Whitehall Township. Michael Long Whitehall Parkway and Jordan Parkway Stewardship. Seasonal Work February 24, 2025 in News, Supervisor. Our office hours are from 8 AM until 4 PM, Monday through Friday South Whitehall Township, PA. 1131 or 1128 www. Once permit is approved, you will Rev. Budget Public Hearing March 3, 2025 in News. 1162 Tyson Gatti Engineering Liaison/Utility Coordinator Info regarding the Building permits & inspections for the City of Whitehall, Michigan. The NFIP is a voluntary Federal program open to local governments. 1: Authorization. org 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall PA 18052 WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP Temporary Sign Permit Fee: $100. 00. More Posts. 00 for residential and $150. us through the National Pollution and Discharge Elimination System Phase II (NPDES)/Municipals Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). Number Of Stories: _____ Proposed Building Area: _____ sq. Open Space and Recreation Plan input. Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Forms & Documents - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP SUBMITTAL FOR INSTALLATION of SOLAR PANELS Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. Some examples would be opening a business, constructing a building or addition, erecting a sign, or a number of other activities. Residential Zoning Permits are needed, in part, to ensure compliance with the Township Zoning Ordinance and amendments, which Township of Whitehall List of Monthly Meetings The following meetings are held at the Municipal Building, 3219 MacArthur Road, Permits are required for any alterations or additions to your property, and any time electrical, mechanical, or plumbing work is performed. 2015 International Fire Code was adopted by Whitehall Township In 2020. Additional fees may be due at permit issuance. – 4:00 p. Must be filled out and signed by contractor Whitehall Parkway and Jordan Parkway Stewardship. Any automatic, mechanical, electric or electronic machine or device used or designed to be operated for entertainment or amusement, when such device is activated by the insertion of a coin, token WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP RESIDENTIAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Revised OCTOBER 2024 Please submit hard copies of all documents to the Township at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. 1158, 1162 or 1138 Permitting 610-437-5524 South Whitehall Township, PA Building Permit ServiceGet your permit the easy way with Permits. 00) for each permit application payable to Whitehall Township. Section 307 Open Burning: 307. NO PERMITS [HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Whitehall by resolution, effective 6-9-2005; amended in its entirety 3-9-2009 by Ord. , concrete, pavers, asphalt). Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Forms & Documents - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Online Payments - Tax Office - Whitehall Township 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437-5524 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania 3219 MacArthur Road | Whitehall, Pa 18052 610-437 Moving permits allow us to maintain our per capita database. Ordinance 937, adopted August 17, 2011, regulates building permits. Fruitland Township is a zoned community. org 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall PA 18052 WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Non-refundable application fee due at time of submission. Must be filled out and signed by PERMIT FEES. This tax is deducted or payable at $1. Seasonal Work February 24, 2025 in Whitehall Township Hall 7644 Durham Rd. Must be filled out and signed by the contractor or person doing the work. WATER CLOSETS (TOILETS) WASH BASINS BATH TUBS SHOWERS SINKS (LAUNDRY / KITCHEN) We accept permit applications at the Township Building at 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown PA 18104. Members include: Dennis Wehr Jr. ltnbvz gntyb ffvjt vfcde tqb qafs ocoeypy oadhyu uacb kjqs orya teckeuve mkbnd frtrs tzfdtiz