Pcs resource stopped >when any resource service failed to start,pacemaker is unable to start >resource on another cluster host. 99 cidr_netmask=32 nic=eth2 op monitor interval=30s. manually stopped, failed to start, failed during normal operation, has nowhere to run due to constraint restriction (allowed node is down etc. If I 'pcs status' or 'crm_mon' shows one or more resources as "Stopped" after starting pacemaker or enabling a resource or resource group in a RHEL 6 or 7 High Availability cluster - Red Hat Customer Portal crmsh # crm resource stop ClusterIP pcs # pcs resource disable ClusterIP pacemaker # crm_resource -r ClusterIP --set-parameter target-role --meta -v Stopped Remove a Resource. 実際の操作例は以下の通り。 [root@centos01 ~] # pcs status Cluster name: Last updated: Thu Jun 25 14: 15: 38 2015 Last change: Wed Jun 24 19: 20: 03 2015 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos01 (1) - partition with quorum Version: 1. ; You put those resources to a group. Here is what pcs status shows: Resource Group: webgroup. However, the fence_ipmilan resource that ran on the node always failed to start, and then other resources that were running on the other node also stopped. What is the command to stop or start all the resources simultaneously|together? Environment. 4 指定某一个 pcs 资源只能在某一个主机上运行 # pcs resource ban When I run pcs resource restart without a --wait specified, the operation still times out and fails: # pcs resource restart myResource-clone Error: Could not complete shutdown of myResource-clone, 3 The failed stonith device ilo stays in stopped state and never comes back online. What troubleshooting can I do here (still learning the ropes with the new Why we see failed action against fence-storage resource ? # pcs status Cluster name: gluster-nfs Last updated: Sun Mar 22 17:48:39 2020 Last change: Sun May 6 17:18:48 2018 Stack: corosync Current 3. We can see what resource have failAction with pcs status commend. The logs said all resources in that resource's group would be started or restarted. 1. All the resource in cluster showing >stopped status. In the end it looks something like this, Tambien se puede realizar mediante el comando: crm_resource . The following commands create four resources created for an active/passive Apache HTTP server in a Red Hat high availability cluster: an LVM-activate # pcs resource ban apacheweb noded. el7-3c4c782f70) - partition with quorum Last updated: Fri May 8 10:15:52 2020 Last change: Fri May 8 10:06:20 2020 by hacluster via crmd on rs1 2 nodes configured 1 resource configured Online: [ rs1 rs2 ] Full list of resources: VIP (ocf:💓IPaddr2): STOP Daemon Status: Tags: centos, IP address stopped, IP resource, ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2, pacemaker, pcs, red hat 8 Post navigation Previous post: Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status 8 – Failed to start pcs status だと起動しているように見えるので、問題無いかと思っていたんだけど、もともと 16. pcs resource move <RECURSO> <NODO> Ejemplo: pcs resource clear clusterbd . debug-stop <resource id> [--full Show all resources # pcs resource show Show options specific to the 'VirtualIP' resource # pcs resource show VirtualIP Create a new resource called 'VirtualIP' with options # pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf: heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=192 pcs resource create web lsb:httpd op monitor interval=20s pcs status 可以看到资源已经启动。 pcs 创建Resources pcs resource stopped. 리소스를 비활성화하여 영향을 받는 리소스의 리소스 ID만 알아야 Centos7环境下pcs创建集群VIP一直STOP怎么办?,用pcs工具创建集群VIP的时候发现一直处于STOP状态[root@rs1~]#pcsstatusClustername:cluster1Stack:corosyncurre Full list of resources: VIP (ocf:💓IPaddr2): STOP Daemon # Disable stonith feature pcs property set stonith-enabled=false # Ignore quorum policy pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore # Setup virtual IP pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=123. Mover los recursos . 99 cidr In Pacemaker/Corosync cluster (RHEL 7 HA), resources management and resource group management are important tasks . NetWorker servers can be deployed in a cluster failover configuration on Red Hat nodes using pacemaker (pcs) services. It’s quite improbable, but this situation is still possible. crmsh # crm configure delete ClusterIP pcs # pcs So for testing purposes, I did that and the service starts/restarts fine as expected and the colocation dependent resources stop/start as expected. If --wait is specified, pcs will wait up to 'n' seconds for the resource to stop and then return 0 if the resource is stopped or 1 if the There are many times you may observe that your resource has ended up in stopped state. 123. Recently due to temporary unavailability of OCI API, cluster manager stopped whole resource group due to 30 sec. 3 移动 pcs 资源到另一个主机 # pcs resource move <resource> <host> 4. There are no past failures in Failed Resource Actions and no constraints. Stack: corosync. To remove a resource: pcs resource delete ClusterIP . stop Res2 ) My – unconfirmed – assumption was, that pacemaker would first detect the current state of the resource(s) by calling monitor and then decide if there are any actions to be performed. リソースを停止します。一部のリソースの実行を停止したい場合に使います。 pcs resource enable リソース名. This sets target-role="Stopped" for the group. If you specify the --wait option, pcs will wait up to 'n' seconds for the resource to stop and then return 0 if the resource is stopped or 1 if the resource has not stopped. You just need to make sure the cluster manager do not decide to run an action while the system updates the pgsqlms script or the libraries. example. And Pacemaker never start to watch resource which have failaction, It is pacemaker's specification. My resource group won't start if I try to enable it, and there are no errors or indications why its All cluster resources appear in state Stopped, and it's not possible to start them up with pcs resource enable. com. failed monitoring and start activity done by pacemaker for that stonith device that was marked stopped by pacemaker. For example, to stop the failed action from the example above, the following command can be used: pcs resource cleanup myresource_monitor_20000. This is mainly used for debugging resources that fail to stop. Configuring resources to remain stopped on clean node shutdown. In most of the cases , you might need to start set of resources sequentially, and stop in the reverse order. 1 停用某一个 pcs 资源 # pcs resource disable <resource> 4. 使用该命令创建资源组时,如果指定的资源组不存在,则此命令会新建一个资源组,如果指定的资源 When I call “pcs resource cleanup Res1” this will result in an interruption of service at the side of Res2 (i. But the resource gets stopped right after that and that is why pcs status shows the resource is stopped. If your first NIC is eth0 and second is eth1. Using --full will give more detailed output. Can the node still be fenced if the stonith device is shown as stopped in pcs status but the network connectivity is restored after initial failures i. Below is step i try to configured for >cluster > >pcs property set stonith-enabled=false >pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore >pcs resource defaults resource 简介: 用pcs工具创建集群VIP的时候发现一直处于STOP状态,本篇内容就记录了如何解决该问题。 Cluster name: cluster1. display it in pcs status? Is there possibility to not display resources which are in stopped state because [root@z1 ~]# pcs resource create my_lvm LVM volgrpname=my_vg \ exclusive=true --group apachegroup. If resource is stopped by trouble, the resource have FailAction. timeout on monitor() operation on one of oci_privateip resources. Depending on the rest of the configuration (constraints, options, failures, etc), the resources may remain started. Why and when manual intervention of How do I start/stop the entire resource group in a pacemaker cluster? Resource group contains several resources. 两台主机安装了pcs+oracle ha可正常切换,任意重启一台机器,pcs resource均可正常切换。 但如果同时关闭了两台主机,然后再起其中任意一台(另外一台保持关闭状态,模拟无法修复启动),那么起来的那台资 I'm currently organizing some of our resources on a RHEL7. 7, you can display the pcs commands that can be used to re-create configured cluster resources on a different system using the --output-format=cmd option of the pcs resource config command. 3 在某个组里面添加某个资源 # pcs resource group add <group> <resource> 3. Eliminar errores . It's not possible to start resources or to move them between nodes. → pcs cluster stop 은 해당 명령어를 입력하는 node에만 pacemaker와 corosync를 기동합니다. Configuring resources to remain stopped on clean node shutdown; 24. 2 Pacemaker Cluster and I can't start the Filesystem resource which should mount a folder on a sharedstorage. 1548 from centos8-3 at Sat May 2 14:36:57 2020 We failed reboot node centos8-2 on behalf of You can display the pcs commands that can be used to re-create configured cluster resources on a different system using the --output-format=cmd option of the pcs resource config command. pcs resource cleanup . Location Constraints: It may happen it takes a little bit more than 3 seconds to stop the resource, so the waiting fails. Below I have a sample output from pcs status on my KVM high Availability Cluster, here there are two types of "Failed Actions" 1. I have attemped a few things without very little change. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6. PCS(Pacemaker/Corosync configuration system)命令配置群集示例: 一、建立群集: 1、配置群集节点的认证as the hacluster user:[shell]# pcs cluster auth node1 node2 2、创建一个二个节点的群 When I boot my cluster, some resources are shown as "Stopped". nakum at ecosmob. private. So here i will guide you the commands and logs to check to troubleshoot cluster resource. But after that cluster manager gives up, leaving resources in Stopped state. ; The group now has target-role="Stopped", while the resources in it have target-role="Started". You run pcs resource disable for the group. 5+ (with the High Availability and Resilient Storage Add Ons) Configuring Pacemaker Resources and Resource Groups; 4 Configuring Pacemaker Resources and Resource Groups Pacemaker enables you to create groups of resources, such as database and file system services, so that they start in the order you specify and stop in the reverse of that order. おつかれさまです!Dです。 前回もクラスター構成(PacemakerやDRBD)についての記事を書いたのですが、書ききれなかったので今回はパート2です。 You need to specify the NIC. 1, you can display the pcs commands that can be used to re-create configured cluster resources on a different system using the --output-format=cmd option of the pcs resource config command. 12-a14efad 2 Nodes configured 10 Attempt to stop the resources if they are running and forbid the cluster from starting them again. If you do not specify a monitoring operation for a resource, by default the pcs command will create a monitoring operation, with an interval that is determined by the resource agent. Setting the shutdown-lock cluster property; 25. com Cleaned up apache-ip on node2. [root@z3 ~]# pcs property set shutdown-lock=true [root@z3 ~]# pcs property list --all | grep shutdown-lock shutdown-lock: true shutdown-lock-limit: 0 Check the status of the cluster. The following commands create four resources created for an active/passive Apache HTTP server in a Red Hat high availability cluster: an LVM-activate If --wait is specified, pcs will wait up to 'n' seconds for the resources to stop and then return 0 if the resources are stopped or 1 if the resources have not stopped. 1 修改 pcs 资源 # pcs resource update <resource> <option> 3. Adding resources to the same resource group also ensures I modified the the pcs_resource this way. Visit Stack Exchange Issue. 0. 168. If you're using 'crmsh': # crm configure property stop-all-resources=true If you're using 'pcs': # pcs property set stop-all [root@rs1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: rs1 (version 1. Let me explain what is going on: You create two resources and set target-role="Started" for them. 2 启用某一个 pcs 资源 # pcs resource enable <resource> 4. 84. pcs resource move 和 pcs resource ban 都会在集群上创建一个临时约束规则。 除其他原因外,约束用于影响哪些资源可以在何处运行。 当在没有目标的情况下使用移动命令时,将为原始节点创建一个分数为 INFINITY 的禁用规则。 在应用 pcs 进行管理的 pacemaker 集群中,每个节点都会启动一个 pcsd 守护进程,监听 2224/tcp 端口。随后,我们可以从任一节点中,通过 pcs 命令管理整个集群。误解按照套路,通常这是一种 client/server 架构, pcs 命令行工具向相应节点的 pcsd 发送请求, pcsd 在相应节点完成动作。 除了 pcs resource move 和 pcs resource relocate 命令外,您还可以使用各种其他命令来控制集群资源的行为。. PCS(Pacemaker/Corosync configuration system)命令配置群集示例:一、建立群集:1、配置群集节点的认证as the hacluster user: [shell]# pcs cluster auth node1 node22、创建一个二个节点的群集 [shell]# pcs cluster 如果资源失败,则当使用 pcs status 命令显示集群状态时会出现失败信息。 尝试解决故障原因后,您可以通过再次运行 pcs status 命令检查资源的更新状态,您可以使用 pcs resource failcount show --full 命令检查集群资源的故障数。. What can I do in a situation like this? Restarting the entire cluster so far has been my solution which is not ideal. RandomAccessFile 移动到指定行 . 4. PCS(Pacemaker/Corosync configuration system)命令配置群集示例: 一、建立群集: 1、配置群集节点的认证as the hacluster user:[shell]# pcs cluster auth node1 node2 2 When I restarted a node either by graceful reboot or by power outage and restoration, the node rejoined cluster successfully. using refreshing and cleaning up before it's start. 当您创建资源时,会自动启动该资源。您可以使用以下命令确认资源已创建并启动。 # pcs resource show Resource Group: apachegroup my_lvm (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Started 您 pcs resource disable testwww = stop and disable testwww pcs resource enable testwww = enable and start testwww pcs resource create lnx00-ip IPaddr2 ip=128. 44. This is mainly used for debugging resources that fail to start. e. 您可以手动停止正在运行的资源,并使用以下命令防止集群再次启动它。根据其他配置(约束、选项、失败等)配置,资源可能会继续启动。 Configuring resources to remain stopped on clean node shutdown. last I'm running pcs resource enable, but the resource just stays in the "Stopped" state in pcs output. Thanks for reaching out. com> wrote: >Dear users, > >I have been facing one strange issue on active active HA configuration. 5에서도 안전 비활성화 작업에 영향을 받는 리소스 ID가 포함된 경우 pcs 리소스가 disable --safe 명령으로 생성한다고 오류 보고합니다. Configuring a node If --wait is specified, pcs will wait up to 30 sec- onds (or 'n' seconds) for the resource to stop and then return 0 if the resource is stopped or 1 if the resource has not stopped. pcs resource enable \ pcs resource disable. apache_res (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped. Failed ResourceActions 2. Solution. disableで停止したリソースを起動します。 pcs cluster start/stop –all. 5부터 pcs resource disable --safe 명령에 --brief 옵션을 지정하여 오류를 출력할 수 있습니다. Hints - Troubleshoot Cluster Resource # pcs resource cleanup apache-ip Cleaned up apache-ip on node3. Restart the resource: Once the failed action has been stopped, the resource can be restarted (注意:当期望投票数发生变化时, # pcs corosync-quorumtool -m 命令不会自动更新,所以最好使用 # watch -n1 corosync-quorumtool 命令) 命令十:显示所有的 pcs 资源 # pcs resource show 命令十一:显示某个 pcs 资源 # pcs resourece show <resource> 命令十二:显示所有 pcs 资源被限 The lcmap output matches the pcs resource configuration: pcs resource config; root@NWrhelNodeF:~# pcs resource config Group: NW_group Resource: fs (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory= /nsr_share fstype=ext4 Operations: monitor interval=20 timeout=300 (fs-monitor-interval-20) start Any idea on why Apache resource doesn't work with pacemaker? # pcs resource debug-start WebServer --full Operation start for WebServer (ocf:heartbeat:apache) failed: 'Timed Out' (2) > stderr: ERROR: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to [상태 조회명령어] - 설정 조회 # pcs config - 클러스터 서비스 정상여부 조회 # pcs cluster status - 리소스 조회 # pcs resource show [resource_id] - 펜싱(Stonith) 조회 # pcs stonith show [클러스터 시작명령어] - 시작 # pcs cluster start [node명] - 중지 # pcs cluster stop [node명] - 클러스터 대기 모드 # pcs standby [node 명] - 클러스터 Stack Exchange Network. In this example the shutdown-lock-limit property maintains its default value of 0. For example, if a resource has one monitor operation with interval=10 role=Started and a second monitor operation with interval=11 role=Stopped, the cluster will run the first monitor on any nodes it thinks should be running the crmsh # crm resource stop ClusterIP pcs # pcs resource disable ClusterIP pacemaker # crm_resource -r ClusterIP --set-parameter target-role --meta -v Stopped 移除resource. 99 cidr_netmask=32 nic=eth2 op monitor interval=30s Create a new pcs 创建Resources pcs resource stopped. pcs resource stop状态 pcl中set程序 #include 点云 点集 . This will stop the failed action and remove it from the list of failed actions in the pcs status output. pacemakerを To stop a resource: pcs resource disable ClusterIP . 2 删除 pcs 资源 # pcs resource delete <resource> 3. No Errors given If I run pcs resource it will still say stopped, multiple star So most of the startup within the cluster is an async operation, but I have seen many times where I attempt to start up a pcs resource and I get zero information in the logs. com Cleaned up If I run pcs resource it will still say stopped, multiple start attempts and nothing happens. 4 在某个组里面删除某个资源 # pcs resource group remove <group> <resource> 内容四:pcs resource 资源管理相关的命令 pcs resource disable と pcs resource enable のコマンドを使用すると手作業によるリソースの停止と起動をリソースごと個別に行うことができます。 以下のコマンドでは、設定に必要な残りのリソースを作成し、作成したリソースを既存の apachegroup リソースグループ Issue. 20 当服务器使用Pacemaker做高可用集群时,一段时间后,当使用pcs status查看集群状态时,出现(unmanaged FAILED)错误,使用 pcs resource start/stop servicename 无法 The easiest way to stop all the resources in a Pacemaker cluster is to set the cluster property, "stop-all-resources" to "true". pcs constraint location –full. クラスタの状態を確認します。 pcs resource disable リソース名. 44 --group lnx00 --disabled = create but don't start an lnx00-ip resource as the next resource in the lnx00 group (lnx00 is created if it doesn't already exist) Attempt to stop the resource if it is running and forbid the cluster from starting it again. 20-5. Here is the output of 'pcs status' command: # pcs resource list (利用できる全リソースの一覧表示) # pcs resource show (設定されているリソースの全一覧) # pcs resource show --full (パラメーターを表示) # pcs resource standards # pcs resource providers # pcs resource agents ocf:heartbeat (特定のOCFプロバイダーで使用可能なRA) 软件概述 相较于rhel6/centos6 下的HA配置,rhel7下使用pcs 取代了原先的ccs和luci ,本文就结合pcs+pacemaker+corosyn+oracle做一个oracle的HA配置,并迁移数据共享平台数据库。使用corosync作为集群消息事务层(Massage Layer),pacemaker作为集群资源管理器(Cluster Resource Managem This command will force the specified resource to stop on this node ignoring the cluster recommendations and print the output from stopping the resource. To modify a resource: pcs resource update ClusterIP clusterip_hash=sourceip . debug-start <resource id> [--full] This command will force the specified resource to start on this node ignoring pcs status. 12-a14efad 2 Nodes pcs resource stop状态 pcl中set程序 #include 点云 点集 . If waiting fails, pcs returns 1 - because it cannot possibly know the resource will be stopped successfully just a while later. ). 123 # Setup caddy resource, using SystemD provider. To simplify this configuration, RHEL 8. pcs has trouble starting or stopping a group with a VirtualDomain resource in it, if that resource corresponds to a remote-node; When I use pcs cluster stop to stop a node, the VM managed by a VirtualDomain resource thats in a group is left running. 04 時代の設定も誤っていたんじゃないか? で、偶然上手く動いていた、と。 Depending on the rest of the configuration (constraints, options, failures, and so on), the resource may remain started. But stopping the myApp service does not reflect as a stopped resource but simply stays at Started node1. 使用命令 pcs resource show -full 或者 pcs resource show [RESOURCE] 检查故障资源的集群配置。 此处的小错别字或者遗漏选项可能会产生严重影响。 验证配置文件. 1 cidr_netmask=32 nic=eth1:0 op monitor interval=30s I ran pcs resource cleanup to clear a failed resource action for a resource that's currently in Started state. vip_res (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped. Depends on the cluster HA services, you might need to configure N-number of resources. Updating the PostgreSQL Auto-Failover resource agent does not requires to stop your PostgreSQL cluster. Likewise, simulating a failover via putting node1 into standby simply stops all resources on 通过资源组,用户便可并行配置多个资源,资源组的创建语法格式:pcs resource group add group_name resource_id [resource_id] [resource_id][--before resource_id | --after resource_id. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. As of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. PAF update. crmsh # crm configure delete ClusterIP pcs # pcs resource delete ClusterIP Modify a Resource’s Instance Parameters. In this example, resources third and fifth As of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Hi @ashore1992,. Consultar las constraint . 特定リソースの手動フェールオーバー pcs resource move < resource id > [destination node name]. If 'n' is not specified it defaults to 60 minutes. If --wait is specified, pcs will wait up to 'n' seconds for the resource to stop and then return 0 if the resource is stopped or 1 if the resource has not stopped. 如果受影响的资源有自己的配置文件,比如 apache 资源,它也可能有自己的配置文件验证工具,比如 apacectl pcs 创建Resources pcs resource stopped PCS(Pacemaker/Corosync configuration system)命令配置群集示例: 一、建立群集: 1、配置群集节点的认证as the hacluster user:[shell]# pcs cluster auth node1 node2 2、创建一个二个节点的群 stop_start: stop all active instances and start the resource in one location only; stop_unexpected: stop all active instances except where the resource should be active (this should be used only when extra instances are not expected to disrupt existing instances, and the resource agent’s monitor of an existing instance is capable of detecting 23. In logs, I see 5 times retry sequence: monitor, stop, start. PCS(Pacemaker/Corosync configuration system)命令配置群集示例: 一、建立群集: 1、配置群集节点的认证as the hacluster user:[shell]# pcs cluster auth node1 node2 2、创建一个二个节点的群 But before we perform cleanup, we can check the complete history of Failed Fencing Actions using "pcs stonith history show <resource>" [root@centos8-2 ~]# pcs stonith history show centos8-2 We failed reboot node centos8-2 on behalf of pacemaker-controld. # pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=192. The following commands create four resources created for an active/passive Apache HTTP server in a Red Hat high availability cluster: an LVM-activate resource, a Filesystem resource, an 8. 禁用集群资源. 9 # pcs status Resource Group: dummygrp dummy1 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started node1 dummy2 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started node1 Failed Resource Actions: * By default, a monitor operation will ensure that the resource is running where it is supposed to. 5 you can specify the --brief option for the pcs resource disable --safe command to print errors only. when i run pcs resource refresh, 前回、pacemekerをセットアップしてみた際に、リソース監視が停止してしまったので、その原因と対策を実施した。 事象 下記のコマンドを実行してロケーションの制約を設定するとリソース監視のrs-vipとrs-systemd-nginxが停止してしまっていた。 このコマンドを実行する前は動作している。 # pcs 内容四:pcs resource 资源管理相关的命令 4. pcs 创建Resources pcs resource stopped. Attempt to stop the resource if it is running and forbid the cluster from starting it again. 3. If the resource agent does not provide a default monitoring interval, the pcs command will create a よく使うpacemakerのコマンドをメモ。 運用でよく使うコマンド クラスタ起動 pcs cluster start --all ステータス確認 pcs status リソースの詳細確認 pcs resource show <リソース名> リソースの制約確認 pcs constraint リ PCS命令配置corosyncPCS命令配置corosync&pacemaker群集操作步骤使用pcs shell配置corosync & pacemaker群集PacemakerPacemaker,即Cluster Resource Manager(CRM),管理整个HA,客户端通过pacemaker管理监控整个集群。CRM支持ocf和lsb两种资源类型:ocf格式的启动脚本在/ Procedure. pcs resource移动到指定节点. i added 2 new states of the resource : enable, disable that directly tells pcs to enable or disable the resource, just via the command. ; I ran pcs resource manage <resource_id>, but the resource remained in unmanaged state. Clear failaction manually with commend "pcs resource cleanup [resource name]". 2. To delete parameters for a resource (resource specific, On March 2, 2020 2:58:32 PM GMT+02:00, Amit Nakum <amit. RHEL 8. Set the shutdown-lock property to true and verify its value. # # RHEL 7. Current DC: rs1 (version 1. Is pacemaker able to track the reason why resource is stopped? i. Show all resources # pcs resource config Show options specific to the 'VirtualIP' resource # pcs resource config VirtualIP ⇒ pcs resource relocate run vip mysql mysql_script: 리소스들을 node1 ( 1번 서버 )으로 원복합니다. The target-role property can be used for further checking. ; pcs resource disable on a group with a remote resource or VirtualDomain resource that has a remote-node doesn't work Depending on the rest of the configuration (constraints, options, failures, etc), the resource may remain started. In this configuration type, NetWorker is installed on two or more nodes and the NetWorker server databases reside on a shared storage location which is passed between nodes depending on which node is the "active" node in the pacemaker. crm_resource stop clusterbd. Failed FencingActions To check the cluster status: Now my resource and fencing resource have started successfully, so I don't need to keep these failed action messages. I ran pcs resource enable <resource_id>, but the resource remained in stopped state and did not attempt to start. ; Environment. Cluster properties to configure resources to remain stopped on clean node shutdown; 24. Create In general pacemaker resource can be stopped for various reasons i. you can create the resource with this : pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=10. Cluster properties to configure resources to remain stopped on clean node shutdown # pcs resource defaults Meta Attrs: pgsql-stickiness resource-stickiness=100 Rule: boolean-op=and score=INFINITY Expression pcs resource cleanup fs_drbd0 でクリーンアップできました。 動作そのものは問題ありませんでしたので、これで大丈夫だと思います。 投稿 2018/11/02 07:41 The pcs resource disable --safe --no-strict command disables a resource only if no other resources would be stopped or demoted As of RHEL 8. . Secondly, the pcs status shows that the resources are in stopped state, even though ping and http are working. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (with the High Availability Add-on) . Exporting cluster properties as pcs commands; 24. Depending on the rest of the configuration (constraints, options, failures, etc), the resource may remain started. 您可以使用 pcs resource cleanup 命令清除资源的故障状 To ensure that resources remain healthy, you can add a monitoring operation to a resource's definition. 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