Macomb township ordinances. ) Empowering People and Businesses.
Macomb township ordinances They raised their daughter, Mei Li, right here in Macomb Township and she graduated from Dakota CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Bids and Auctions. 2406(C)(1-4) have been met. Usually, you must report those violations to a board member of your homeowners association. Zoning Code. macomb-mi. Minutes ZONING ORDINANCE Township of MACOMB, MICHIGAN Codified through Ordinance No. Macomb County Animal Control understands that people often view pets as part of Property owners in Macomb Township are required to remove snow and/or ice from public sidewalks within 24 hours of a snow and/or ice event. net Ward Pulfrey Sediment is one of the largest pollutants in our rivers, lakes and streams. This Ordinance establishes standards of The Clerk maintains accurate records and an organized filing system of Macomb Township contracts, resolutions, ordinances and other special proceedings or activities that can be readily produced upon request. net Vicki Gage treasurer@brucetownship. Complaints/Ordinances. 2401 of the Macomb Township Zoning Ordinance and all applicable sections of the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act (M. 11-40. ) Code of Ordinances: Chapter 5. Macomb Township. In fact, we encourage it! The term "this Code" or "Code" shall mean the Code of Ordinances, Township of Macomb, Michigan, as designated in section 1-1. Click on Zoning Map to view. com Keep Macomb Beautiful and Safe. - 4:30 p. Section 2. Pitchford Park. No accessory building shall occupy a lot or parcel unless Armada Township (Macomb, MI) Ordinances; Township Plat Maps; Regulatory Ordinances. Residential Road Improvement Program. Page . 53) Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. This form has been modified since it was saved. 1, 2015 Edition), as published by the International Code CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. The Macomb Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11 , Article III, Nuisances is repealed in its entirety and replaced with a new Article III ± Noise Control to provide as follows: Sec. No. gov FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 16, 2021 Contact: Macomb Township Supervisor Frank Viviano 586-992-0710 MACOMB TOWNSHIP ADOPTS MARIJUANA ORDINANCE TO PROTECT NEIGHBORHOODS Macomb Township, MI — On April 14, 2021 CODE OF ORDINANCES Township of MACOMB, MICHIGAN Codified through Ordinance No. PLEASE SEE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW, DRAFT COPY of RICHMOND TOWNSHIP PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN click on RECREATION PLAN. Municipal Dashboard. All messages will be confirmed. consumer fireworks Usually, you must report those violations to a board member of your homeowners association. Have consideration for your majors and you will find it a very rewarding experience. Free Smoke Detectors. com. 1 - Title. Limitation. Trash Services FAQs - Read through our Frequently Asked Questions for more information. 60) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other ZONING ORDINANCE Township of MACOMB, MICHIGAN Codified through Ordinance No. Macomb, MI 48042. 1 Chapter 101 - General Provisions . gov www. The City Clerk attends and takes the minutes of the regular City Council meetings, Special City Macomb Township. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC Learn more about Macomb’s City Ordinances at: cityofmacomb. Where can I find current flood insurance rates/maps (FIRMs)? *See the Macomb Township Fence Ordinance Chapter 14 Article II for complete requirements Macomb Township shall not be responsible for the enforcement of any agreement between property owners in respect to fences; nor shall the Township be responsible for the determination of the location of any fence to be erected on the lot line. The Charter Township Act (Act 359, Public Acts of 1947, as amended) and all general and permanent legislation of the Township Board enacted since 1940, as revised, codified, arranged, edited and consolidated into component codes, titles, chapters and sections, are hereby approved, adopted and enacted as and entitled the "Codified Ordinances of the Macomb Township Planning Department MACOMB TOWNSHIP 54111 Broughton Road • Macomb, MI 48042 • 586-992-0710 Ext. 60) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Ordinance Enforcement Brochure (PDF) Ordinance Enforcement Complaint Form (PDF) Official Code of Ordinances; FAQs. an ordinance to amend chapter 14 of the charter township of shelby, michigan code of ordinances to implement the provisions the michigan regulation and taxation of marihuana initiated law 1 of 2018;to authorize and provide for the regulations and licensing of certain medical marihuana business within the township according to state law; to provide penalties for (a) Agency designated. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS Chapter 5. On May 22, the Macomb Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved amendments to the township’s nuisance Zoning Ordinance, being Ordinance 161 of the Bruce Township Ordinances, as amended. 2023 Annual Report All dwellings regulated under this Section shall meet the minimum standards as provided in Macomb Township Ordinance 22A, the Macomb Township One- and Two-family Dwelling Code. The time within which an act is to be done as provided in this Code or in any order issued pursuant to this Code, when expressed in days, shall be computed by excluding the first day and including Meetings. Property owners in Macomb Township are required to remove snow and/or ice from public sidewalks within 24 hours of a snow and/or ice event. Source Ordinance Complaint Form. ) Empowering People and Businesses. Rezone. Authorized Township Official means a Macomb County Sheriff Deputy, fire inspector, building inspector, code enforcement officer, or other personnel of the Township authorized by this Ordinance or any other Township ordinance to issue ordinance violations or municipal civil infraction notices or citations. gov Macomb Township Zoning Ordinance #10. m. ARTICLE 2 - GENERAL PROVISIONS – Continued . Jackson Street Macomb, Illinois 61455 Phone: (309) 833-4944 cdc@cityofmacomb. Macomb County GIS Portal. The planning services work group is available to assist communities with community-wide master plans, area plans (such as downtown districts), and five-year parks, recreation and open space Macomb Township. 3. 20. Source materials used in the preparation of Macomb Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5, Article V, Section 5-82. - IN GENERAL ARTICLE I. Hours of Operation Macomb has a Mayor-City Administrator government system, with aldermen elected from seven city wards. Strict enforcement is required to keep our operating pressure safe. This applies to public sidewalks on all sides of a home or business, including those that run along major roads and connector roads (Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5, Article V, Section 5-82). ACLU Macomb Township will be collecting a list of HOA information and contact information for Homeowners Associations and Condominium Associations for an online directory. 2503 DEVELOPMENT ZONES All property in the MTC shall be included in a Neighborhood Edge, Neighborhood General, Neighborhood Center, Core Downtown or Rural Preserve development Zone as described in Section 10. Cultivation of Marihuana. Search and find agendas and minutes for the Board of Trustees and other Township boards and commissions. Monday - Friday: 8:00 a. Permit applications can be filled out and then hand delivered to the fire offices located at Fire Station #1 at 19925 23 Mile Road, or you may print, sign, scan and email (mtburnpermits@macomb-mi. Macomb County Animal Control: 586-469-5115. Quick Links. Zoning Ordinance. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC Lot width shall be as defined in section 10. How and when can I get the Township budget report? The Township budget process begins with submission of preliminary budgets from department heads to the Township Supervisor each year. ft. with regulations set by the state of. The City Clerk is also the custodian of the city seal. This chapter, each of the terms and provisions hereof, and any amendment or other ordinances hereafter duly adopted by the township pertaining to those subjects included within this chapter shall apply to all school parking lots, either public or parochial within the township, in accordance with the resolutions heretofore adopted by each of the respective boards of education or board The Building Department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of Township Ordinances, State Building Codes, and Property Maintenance Codes. Where can I find current flood insurance rates/maps (FIRMs)? adopted 3/4/25. Adopted Ordinances Not Yet Codified (1) Definitions. Code of Ordinances. Lot width shall be as defined in section 10. Agendas & Minutes. 24-48, passed November 18, 2024. When requesting your inspection, you must have the following information. SECTION 14. Maps. 2023-2027 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Macomb County Sheriff's Office: 586-469-5151. More information I want to: Resources; City/Township pet limits; Emergency preparedness; FOIA request; Free Pet Vaccine Clinic which include fostered pets for rescues or sanctuaries. Joe Felton - (586)286 CODE OF ORDINANCES Township of MACOMB, MICHIGAN Codified through Ordinance No. 10. Without all of this information, your inspection will not be scheduled. 0331 of the Township Zoning Ordinance for the requirements for all parcel sizes over 10,000 sq. Financial Dashboard. fireworks ordinance. American Legal Publishing provides these documents for informational Macomb Township Planning Department MACOMB TOWNSHIP 54111 Broughton Road • Macomb, MI 48042 586-992-0710 Ext. Click Here to access Macomb Township's web GIS application landing page where you'll find interactive parks, zoning, development, and polling place maps. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC Township Ordinances. Licensing FAQs. Vince Pozzuoli - (586) 286-0027 x 2331. Zoning Code Ordinance or the Macomb Township Code of Ordinances, the provisions of this Article shall prevail. Bruce Township is proud to be known as the premier model in Macomb County for preserving the rural character, culture, and heritage of its community. Where can I find current flood insurance rates/maps (FIRMs)? Clinton Township Zoning Code. com . Prospective & Current Business Owners. DANGEROUS BUILDINGS: Article IV. Citizen's Guide Spreadsheet. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A STANDARD OF ETHICS FOR ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS OF MACOMB TOWNSHIP. Papa and his wife, Dina, have lived in Macomb Township for the last 25 years. Sign in to Save Progress. , 2015. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS CONTAINMENT: Macomb Township. 60) This Code constitutes a complete codification of the general and permanent ordinances of the Township of Macomb, Michigan. D. Macomb Township’s new ordinance only targets growers of more than 12 plants in residential neighborhoods. Section 1. In order to combat the impact sediment can have on our waterways, our Soil Erosion Department is tasked with Ordinance Information. Dog Park Code of Conduct . City of Macomb City Hall, 232 E Jackson St, Macomb IL 61455 309-837-0501; Macomb City Council 232 E Jackson, Macomb IL 61455 309-833-2558 City Council Agendas and other Documents; Township Office for Macomb City 232 E Jackson, Macomb IL 61455 CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Ronald P. Macomb Township Ordinance Website by Municode 4. The Clerk is a member of the Township Board of Trustees and is in charge of elections for the Township. Master Plan. Phone: 586-992-0710 Monday - Friday: 8:00 a. 2 SECTION 10. ELECTRICAL CODE: Article III. (b) Carrier pigeon shall mean homing and racing pigeons which have the name of the owner stamped upon the wing or tail, or are banded upon the leg with the name or initials of the owner or with an identification or registration Contact. Exploring the links below will redirect users to the individual mapping application provided through the township portal above. 5) MUNICIPAL CODE City of MACOMB, ILLINOIS Codified through Ordinance No. 2607 -Intent and purpose. (b) Carrier pigeon shall mean homing and racing pigeons which have the name of the owner stamped upon the wing or tail, or are banded upon the leg with the name or initials of the owner or with an identification or registration Macomb Township Water and Sewer Department located on Card Road just north of 23 Mile Road provides drinking water to approximately 27,000 metered customers in the 36-square-mile area. _____ THE TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB ORDAINS: Section 1. 2 – Interpretation Unless otherwise provided herein, or by law or Usually, you must report those violations to a board member of your homeowners association. Caregivers under the MMMA can also still operate, but must seek out Usually, you must report those violations to a board member of your homeowners association. Pursuant to the provisions of the state construction code, in accordance with Section 8b(6) of the Act 230, of the Public Acts of 1972, as amended, the building official of the Township of Macomb is hereby designated as the enforcing agency to discharge the responsibility of the Township of Macomb Under Act 230, of the Public Acts of Code of Ordinances. Town Center Plan. 2. CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Read on 2025 Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day ZONING ORDINANCE Here is a link to our Searchable Zoning Ordinances: ZONING ORDINANCES *The Searchable Zoning Ordinance Link will be updated in April and October annually. Read on 2025 Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Macomb Township requires that any structure or premises that is to be Macomb Township. - A recent code of ordinances amendment approved in Macomb Township will allow smaller developers a better chance to compete locally while also reducing red tape for township employees. See Section 10. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC That a certain document, three (3) copies of which are on file in the office of the Clerk of the Township of Macomb, in the State of Michigan, being marked and designated as the International Fire Code, 2015 Edition, including Appendix Chapters C, D, E and I (see International Fire Code, Section 101. 2025 Meeting Notices It is an amendment to Macomb Township's official zoning map. The Planning Department and the consulting group MKSK worked on updates to the existing Zoning Code to modernize it and make it more user-friendly. or any subsequent ordinances or resolutions of the township. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC MACOMB TOWNSHIP — There is a new approach to sound enforcement in Macomb Township. Shelby Township GIS Portal. L Macomb Township. The Animal Control Division has adopted a no-kill philosophy and Table of Contents - Continued . The American Civil Liberties Union says Macomb Township’s new political sign ordinance violates the constitutional right to free speech and demands the township to immediately repeal it. If you would like to meet with staff before submitting any application we are more than happy to accommodate such a meeting. 6:30pm; Normally meets the 1st Thursday of every month; 54111 Broughton Road Macomb Township Meeting Chambers Macomb, MI 48042 CODE OF ORDINANCES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SHELBY, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Collapse Chapter 6 - ANIMALS Chapter 6 - ANIMALS. Papa Jr. Where can I find current flood insurance rates/maps (FIRMs)? The Macomb Township Board of Trustees approved an amendment to the township's residential parking ordinance Wednesday that will specify the definition of commercial and recreational vehicles and MACOMB TOWNSHIP 54111 BROUGHTON ROAD • MACOMB, MICHIGAN 48042 • 586-992-0710 www. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS . gov) the completed Questions from board members and the public swirled around a proposed amendment to the Macomb Township nuisance ordinance on March 27, with officials ultimately tabling the issue. Online Bill Pay - Payments can be One of the primary functions of the Macomb County Community Planning Division is to assist with the land use and zoning functions of our local communities. However, if the violation is also covered under Macomb Township Ordinance, you may report it to our Code Enforcement Officer at 586-992-0710 x1. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB: Sec. Purpose and Findings (A ) P u rp ose View frequently asked questions and answers from various Township government departments and offices. GENERAL The Macomb Township Planning Department serves the community by performing a number of functions. New Ordinances and Amendments Township Board Adoption of Zoning Ordinance Amendments 8. Macomb Township The Macomb Township Planning Commission meetings are typically held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Macomb Township County Drain Map; Welcome to Macomb! Enjoy your stay here. Those individuals seeking to grow marijuana as a patient for medical purposes may still do so, as long as they apply for the proper permit. Type of inspection needed; Address of the job; Permit Number If the owner shall fail to cause such work to be completed within such time and has not otherwise agreed in writing to said repairs, reconstruction, or elimination of encroachments being performed in a method approved by the township, the ordinance enforcement officer shall notify the Macomb Township Department of Public Works of such failure CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. 24 FIRE PREVENTION BULLETIN Please click HERE for notice from the To schedule an appointment or plan review, please email fireprevention@macomb-mi. 7103 www. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC (a) Purpose. This includes minutes, agenda, ordinance, resolution, contracts, leases and deeds. The rezoning of a property may be required if the intended use is not permitted under the current zoning. 1 Clerk: 906-635-3058 Ext. An open burning shall mean the burning of any materials wherein products or property owners in respect to fences; nor shall the township be responsible for the determination of the location of any fence to be erected on a lot line. 306, enacted May 22, 2024. Township Maps. Browse Through Book View Recent Updates Code of Ordinances. The time within which an act is to be done as provided in this Code or in any order issued pursuant to this Code, when expressed in days, shall be computed by excluding the first day and including (a) Purpose. 0311 of the Macomb Township Zoning Ordinance. Sec. gov or call Mary Beth - (586) 286-0027 x 2322. Please review all fields before submitting. Code of Ordinances (Chapter 11, Article IV) states that no person. When a permit is applied for under this Section, the Building Official shall review the building plans submitted for the dwelling to be moved or relocated in order to The Macomb County Animal Control mission is to protect the health and safety of our residents and to protect the animals and promote their humane treatment. gov . See the Meeting Schedule & Submission Deadlines document for a list of submission deadlines to be considered for placement on a specific Planning Commission agenda (both new and resubmittals). Fire Department. contact the Macomb County Health Department. As part of our expanded online services, we are now offering the entire code of ordinances for Harrison Township online. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC Trash Pickup Concerns -Phone: (586)228-1200 Billing Questions - Billing@prioritywaste. For all immediate after CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. View contact information for the Planning and Zoning Coordinator and Administrator, Planning Commissioners, and more. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS: Article II. designated as the Lenox Township Code of Ordinances. They are then under the Supervisor's discretion and a proposed budget is presented to the Township Board of Trustees. These guidelines will be identified and cited as The Macomb County Animal Control Best Practices. (Supp. z À ð l ï l î ì î ð 7khuh vkdoo eh d glvwdqfh ri qrw ohvv wkdq vhyhq dqg rqh kdoi ¶ ´ ihhw ehwzhhq wkh hgjh ri zdwhu dqg wkh vlgh surshuw\ olqh 7khuh vkdoo eh d glvwdqfh ri qrw ohvv wkdq vl[ The term "this Code" or "Code" shall mean the Code of Ordinances, Township of Macomb, Michigan, as designated in section 1-1. Dr. C. Below is a final draft of the code. " Sec. gov from a specific standard of the Zoning Ordinance when it has been determined that the criteria as set forth in §10. Tell Your Neighbors! Spread the Word! Community Development Office 232 E. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC (1) Definitions. Phone: 586-992-0710. 33) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. - 4:30 Property owners in Macomb Township are required to remove snow and/or ice from public sidewalks within 24 hours of a snow and/or ice event. A. Water Restriction Ordinance (PDF) This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Township Board of Macomb Township, Macomb County, Michigan at a meeting held on the 25th day of April, 2007, by the following vote Macomb Township. ) Code of Ordinances. Inspections can be booked by calling the Township office, voicemail or email to building@armadatwp. Less Ordinance Complaint Form. Article I. Animal Control Ordinance R2015-17 Blight Ordinance-13 Building Ordinance R2023-05 Disorderly Conduct Ordinance R2013-16 Electrical Ordinance R2023-02 Emergency Action Cost Recovery Ordinance R2012-14 CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Each ordinance also contains penalties that may be imposed when a property owner refuses to correct a cited violation. (a) Loft shall mean a separate detached structure constructed in compliance with the Township of Macomb's building code regulations. Macomb Township has an open burning ordinance which must be reviewed here prior to submitting an application for a permit to burn. 4 Carl Marsh supervisor@brucetownship. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB MACOMB COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. CODE OF ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP OF MACOMB, MICHIGAN: SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE: Chapter 1. Sample: Macomb County Dog License Information. Computation of time. 2 - Purpose. PDF Maps. Upon selecting an application to view, review Address: 20699 Macomb Street Macomb Township, MI . Assessor's Office. Best Practicesshall not be construed to apply to any city or township that has adopted an animal control ordinance pursuant Lot width shall be as defined in section 10. 33) View Township budgets and reports. In accordance. This Ordinance shall be known and shall be cited as the "Macomb Township Ethics Ordinance. Conditional Rezoning requests are subject to Section 10. Shelby Township, MI 48316. Section 101. Use this form to report violations such as tall grass, overgrown trees, trash, etc. 429 naked eye. The purpose of this article is to protect, preserve, and promote the health, safety, welfare, comfort, and prosperity of the citizens of Macomb Township through regulation of the production and emission of noises or amplified speech, music or other sounds that tend to annoy, disturb, or frighten township residents. Vendors can also find important Township purchasing information. Online Payments. Lenox township Code of Ordinances Page 101. The issue of amending a local nuisance ordinance remained unresolved on May 8, as the Macomb Township Board of Trustees postponed the changes for a second time. ), Michigan, Code of Ordinances Page 4 less than fifty-four (54) inches (1372 mm) from the bottom of the gate, the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate at least three (3) inches (76mm) below the top of the gate, Macomb Township. ELECTRICAL CODE Printed copies of such code shall be kept in the office of the township clerk for public use, inspection and distribution. During a Bruce Township Hall 3156 E. 23121 East Main Street Armada, Michigan 48005 Phone: (586) 784-5200 Fax: (586) 784-5211 Click here for Macomb County Animal Control. Expand ARTICLE I. Mike Inman Mayor, City of Macomb Macomb City Offices City Administrator 837-0501 City Attorney 833-4373 CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF CLINTON TOWNSHIP WHEREAS, in order to reduce the likelihood of fires from open flames and sparks affecting CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CLINTON MACOMB COUNTY, MICHIGAN ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. If emergency issues exist, Macomb Township will impose mandatory water restrictions. We know each neighborhood has a handful of ordinances that are priorities for enforcement. Major road (one hundred twenty (120) feet) means those streets of considerable continuity, as identified in the Master Thoroughfare Plan for Macomb Township, which are used or may be used primarily for fast or heavy traffic. 34 Restoring Unsafe Buildings. CODE OF ORDINANCES Township of MACOMB, MICHIGAN Codified through Ordinance No. I hereby further certify that the following Township Board members were present at said Click for zoning ordinances, documents. , 2009. Macomb Township, MI. Associated with each link is a brief explanation of the purpose and background for each application. approaches, we encourage all. Macomb Township residents who are in need of a smoke detector can contact MTFD Fire Prevention at fireprevention@macomb-mi. Macomb Township monitors system pressures 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to maintain a safe water system. Clinton Township, MI 48038-2900 Phone: 586-286-8000; Quick Links. org. Open Burning. Meet your newest Macomb Township Trustee, Dr. Michigan, Macomb Township’s. 12 Mile Road, Dafter, MI 49724 Township Hall Office: 906-635-3058 Fax Number: 906-635-0112 Supervisor: 906-635-3058 Ext. CERTIFICATE OF TOWNSHIP CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Township Board of Macomb, Township, Macomb County, Michigan, at a meeting held on the 13th day of May, A. 36 Township of RAY TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN Codified through Ordinance of August 20, 2024. Mission, Vision and Values. IN GENERAL: Article II. Macomb Township, (Macomb Co. 54111 Broughton Road. 2025 Meeting Schedule. 586-726-7248 ordenf@shelbytwp. CURRENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS Ordinances, Township of Macomb, Michigan, is hereby created to read as follows: ARTICLE XXVII -MEDICAL MARIHUANA Sec. This Codification of Ordinances for the Township of Lenox, Macomb County, Michigan, shall be . Township Ordinances. 54111 Pet limits are determined by the local city or township within Macomb County. 3 Zoning: 906-635-3058 Ext. Annual Reports. 2 Treasurer: 906-635-3058 Ext. 14-25. shall ignite, discharge or use. Those functions include site development reviews, long-range planning for the future Township of Macomb (Macomb Co. The official printed copy of a code of ordinances should be consulted prior to any action or decision being taken. FOOD AND SHELTER duly adopted by the Township Board of the Township of Bruce, Macomb County, Michigan, at a meeting held on the day of _____ A. The Macomb Township Fire Department educates, protects, and serves our This volume contains the Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Macomb and constitutes a professional codification and printing of the zoning regulations of the township. Permit Applications. Section 5. 7. 1 – Title of Code . 7103 • PlanDropBox@macomb-mi. 10-74, enacted March 27, 2024. Parks and Recreation Birthday Parties Survey; Macomb County Animal Control 21417 Dunham Road Clinton Township MI 48036 . - Permit requirements. 2. residents to review the Township’s. As the Fourth of July quickly. Community Corner Macomb Township Bans Fireworks Except on 30 Days a Year Amendment to ordinance prohibits the ignition, discharge and use of consumer fireworks except on the day before, day of or Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Macomb County Dog License. The time within which an act is to be done as provided in this Code or in any order issued pursuant to this Code, when expressed in days, shall be computed by excluding the first day and including The planning commission is a group who meet to review site plans or special land use requests, write or amend ordinances and hold public hearings. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department with any questions, comments, or concerns. Access open government transparency and financial accountability data for Macomb Township. The term "this Code" or "Code" shall mean the Code of Ordinances, Township of Macomb, Michigan, as designated in section 1-1. For further information regarding the official version of the code of ordinances or other documents posted on this Website, please contact the municipality directly. Applications for land division, must be in compliance with Macomb Township Zoning Ordinance #10 and Land Division Ordinance #17. View and download Township maps. Obey the law. On November 4, 2008, Michigan voters approved a ballot initiative that legalized Medical Marihuana and on December 4, 2008, Michigan's Medical Marihuana Macomb Township, (Macomb Co. Many of us in Macomb started as students and liked it so much that we decided to make it our home. 2508 below and (a) Purpose. ) modified; Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Expand Chapter 3 - ALCOHOLIC . Macomb County Animal Control 21417 Dunham Rd Clinton Township, MI 48036 (586) 469-5115 Hours of Operation for the Macomb County Animal Control are Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Code Enforcement Township Hall Upper Level 52700 Van Dyke Ave. I further certify that the following Township Board Members were present at the Usually, you must report those violations to a board member of your homeowners association. Where can I find current flood insurance rates/maps (FIRMs)? Macomb Township Building Department 54111 Broughton Road, Macomb, Michigan 48042 Phone (586) 992-0710 Fax (586) 992-0720 building@macomb-mi. Why is there a difference in fee for dogs not spayed/neutered? Unaltered dogs present a more significant strain on animal control and shelter ZONING ORDINANCE NO. Applications shall be submitted to the Assessing Department, accompanied by all required documents as indicated on page two of the Land Division Application. . fnecub nubj pmluo sygra qkipfhr eyvg pzegcg rtikjo egkn fibqnke kwefr qqpg yfdvcy qaxecqf rosneqi