Esoteric studies degree These degrees are conferred on Masons who have demonstrated their knowledge of Freemasonry, its history, and its rituals. , The Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science, B. Language Courses. It presents cultural information on the peoples, their region, and origins. Learn the Bible without the constraints of religion and other man-made traditions. 18 George W. University of Sydney; Dip. ESSWE supports conferences, workshops, international scholarly networks, and publications in order to further the development of this interdisciplinary field. assert that “the 17 See for example Amy Hale, “Navigating Praxis: Pagan Studies vs. in Mystical Research from the University of Sedona, Arizona. ) Bachelor Degree Items – Make Your Selections Below Bachelor Degree Item: Bachelor Degree Price: US$300. only to the initiates of a group: the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras. The Morya Federation offers an expansive Mapping out the field of “Africana Esoteric Studies,” the editors highlight the racial dimensions of the “Western” in “Western esotericism. You may earn a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in the above disciplines, or a Master of Science or Master of Arts. Nancy Clark has a Ph. Degree of Doctor of Philosophy . with focus on theoretical astrophysics; Bachelor Science degrees from University of Oklahoma in both Aerospace & Electrical Engineering; Co The Department of Religion offers the Certificate in Gnosticism, Esotericism, and Mysticism (GEM). Drawing inspiration from established centers such as the Centre for Magic and Esotericism at the University of Exeter, The Esoteric Theological Seminary is unique in our lack of dogma, and cutting edge with our emerging spirituality studies and flexible distance learning program. This ladder consists of three main degrees, Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason, with additional higher degrees available for those who wish to pursue them. Here, we find a small survey list of the variety of programs that are being offered. This diversity is globally explored, both from an historical and topical perspective. Led by a team of faculty members across departments (see our “members” tab), an essential aspect of this programme is its There will always be this component to the Esoteric Astrology course, as there so many related subjects to study, and also degrees of depth in understanding. Gradually, interest in Esoteric Studies has been growing at the University level. (3 to 4 years of study) is required for admission. Several universities have begun to offer degree programs, either in stand alone Everything you need to know on How to Apply for MA in Western Esotericism in Exeter; Course fees, Duration, Start Date, Entry Requirements & much more by visiting us now. understand a range of recent methodologists in this field and Our course offers an exploration of the most influential esoteric traditions, including Hermeticism, Alchemy, Gnosticism, Thelema, Kabbalah, French occultism, Neopaganism, and more. Extensions: Students can continue to study beyond the 12 month duration for a monthly fee of $55. They offer a comprehensive overview of all the symbols, terms, and procedures expected A perennial source of fear and fascination, magic and related forms of ‘occultism’ (e. The Center for Magic, Esotericism, and Occulture The Center for Magic, Esotericism, and Occulture is a multidisciplinary hub dedicated to the scholarly exploration of occult traditions and esoteric knowledge across diverse cultural and historical contexts. understand the relationship between the Christian tradition and esoteric alternative strands of belief; LO3. She holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in philosophy. To obtain an Associate degree, a student must successfully complete at least 60 semester credit hours of study. Practices included yoga, meditation, tai chi, dance and Socratic dialogues. Associate Degree Core Requirements: The Associates Degree Programs form the basic foundation for all undergraduate Doctoral Courses, Esoteric Interfaith Theological Seminary. In 2012, while participating in a shamanic retreat, Judy had a profound experience with the healing power of sound using crystal bowls. Delphi seeks to explore the esoteric, elevate the spirit and foster the well-being of our students through a wide range of spiritual and experiential programs that bring opportunities for the dedicated traditional and alternative healing (Standing in the Stream: the Way of Discipleship booklet, School for Esoteric Studies) Our coursework is a synthesis of eastern and western spiritual traditions and is focused on the Ageless Wisdom teachings as presented in the books by Alice Bailey, supplemented by reading material from Agni Yoga, the Bhagadvad Gita, psychosynthesis, theosophy Getting your degree Submenu for Getting your degree. He was a close student of Rudolf Steiner, and translated many of his lectures given to English-speaking audiences. What does esoteric mean? For us, Esoteric, in particular, Esoteric Studies is the study of the The European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE) is a learned society working to advance the academic study of Western esotericism in all its manifestations. 1–2 (2013), 151–63. down, inside, out”, and when I started to study the esoteric teachings “as above, so below” it struck the same chord of truth The Esoteric Theological Seminary offers religious Bachelors and Masters degrees in Theology, Religious Science, Religion, Divinity, Ministry, and Metaphysics. Several universities have begun to offer degree programs, either in stand alone programs/departments, or as specialities in existing departments such as Religious Studies. Some countries have the practice focused on a specific rite, for example in America the York Rite is the most practiced, in my country, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is the most practiced, this particular rite has This Entered Apprentice Mason Study Guide is an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to learn more about the world of Freemasonry. You can join our mailing list to stay up to date. This course aims to recover the original meaning of occultism from the perspective of the practitioners of magic. Introduction to Western Esotericism and Spirituality (6 EC) When: 1st semester, block 2 This course offers a deep dive into the medieval developments of esoteric thought and She has had a lifelong interest in spiritual and esoteric studies. A. Sydney Teachers College . Msc. ” 93 In a recent publication entitled “Africana Esoteric Studies and Western Intellectual Hegemony: A Continuing Conversation with Western Esotericism,” Stephen C. It provides a comprehensive The 32nd degree of Freemasonry is the highest degree attainable in the Scottish Rite, one of two branches of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed after he This is a flexible degree, which provides you the freedom to design you own course of study. 00 includes beautiful legal diploma suitable for framing, free ordination, wallet card, entry The Doctoral Program Consists of Three Degree Programs: The Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science, B. , program is through the University of Metaphysics and Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times - Amarjah Mystery School is about uncovering truth in a holographic format. 15 On the one hand, “esoteric” language is firmly established in Asianist scholarship, for instance for discussions of developments in Buddhism dating back centuries and millennia. It is an important part of the learning process for any Mason, and it helps to provide a strong foundation for their future studies. (Hons) Macquarie University; B. For example, The Rounds, Chains and Schemes class requires three levels, Occult History at least two etc. , African-American religions; African After studying under him and earning her degree in Esoteric Astrology she started SkyDance Astrology in the auspicious year of 2000 and has been working with clients and students all over the world ever since. Study at Your Own LO1. Through the conferring IMHS is a premier metaphysics school that offers online metaphysics Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD Doctoral degrees, parapsychology degrees, life coaching degrees and certifications, spiritual counseling degrees and Inner Work Path offers ways of engaging with esoteric studies. The Esoteric Scribe contains a plethora of topics based in and validated by Biblical principles and concepts. Finley, Biko Mandela Gray, and Hugh R. Program in Integral Noetic Sciences is to provide advanced coursework in a scholarly study at the intersection of philosophy of science, consciousness studies, The Freemason Degree Ladder is a system of progression that is used by Freemasons to progress through the various degrees of Masonry. Occultism. , African Gradually, interest in Esoteric Studies has been growing at the University level. Currently in my second year of studies towards a Bachelor’s degree in Media & Culture at the University of Amsterdam, I am also studying towards a Minor in School for Esoteric Studies eNews In this issue: • Member Contributions • NGWS Around the World • The Power of Forgiveness, Mercy, and Grace • Developing the Will to Honor the the greater their spiritual degree and level, will more effectively manifest a profound understanding of what true life is: the realization that we are all Course duration: 10 months plus 2 additional months to allow for the midyear and end of year college breaks. The GEM certificate is a graduate-level academic credential, and provides students in Rice degree-granting programs with a theoretical orientation, which they then can apply to their chosen concentrations or focus areas of study (i. The emphasis is on Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Western esotericism (magic, occultism, etc. Craig is trained in Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotish, Vedanta and Tantra The University of Exeter will offer a master's degree in magic and occult science. University of Newcastle . 12 lectures, Dornach, February 16 – March 23, 1924 (CW 235) George Adams (1894-1963)was born in Poland and received an honors degree in Chemistry from Cambridge University. This course must be undertaken in combination with active meditation and spiritual healing Dr Angela Puca is an academic and a university lecturer who has taught at several universities worldwide and has been based at Leeds Trinity University since 2016. gain an overall view of the history of the development of the religious traditions of the contemporary West; LO2. NPR's Ayesha Rascoe asks Exeter Prof. 2Nd Degree Masonic Catechism provides a fundamental understanding of the principles and values of Freemasonry. Thomas Francis University (TFU) offers spiritually-based and metaphysically-based degrees and affordable courses perfect for open-minded students with esoteric interests. A Bachelor's Most Freemasons are in the Master Mason degree so they will generally say that there is nothing esoteric about Freemasonry. These will greatly enhance your studies and practice. This degree requires nine predetermined courses for graduation. BIU adapts each Distance Learning Higher Education degree program to the needs of each student. Date of submission: September 2008 Our faculty have a wide range of research interests, among them: Asian wisdom traditions, yoga studies, Integral Yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, Depth and archetypal psychologies, Western religious and esoteric traditions, folklore and mythology, ecopsychology, indigenous psychospiritualities, plant medicines, non-ordinary states of Religious Studies education is specifically focused on the contemporary diversity of European religions. It provides a comprehensive overview A minor in esoteric and occult traditions will give you a deeper understanding of many of these popular traditions, from the Gods of ancient civilization through to modern Europe. Esoteric Studies”, The Pomegranate 15, nos. During the course of 1924 Rudolf Steiner held 19 esoteric lessons in This Master's Degree covers mythologies, customs, believes, and rituals worldwide from ancient Sumeria, the Greeks and Romans to the Vikings, Inuits, Aztecs, and Aborigines. Submission for . Lectures range from Yet, there are some students that believe that Gautama the Buddha Sakyamuni is more elevated than Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, and others think that Christ is superior to Buddha. It is a journey of self-discovery and education, in which the candidate is taken on a symbolic journey from darkness to light. e. It was formed out of a compelling belief that the Hierarchy needs workers who are trained in the deeper and more advanced aspects of modern esoteric teaching. 503MYT - Esoteric Traditions 504MYT School of Parapsychology and Spiritual Esoteric Studies: On Campus Distant Learning Learning : Associate of Religious/Metaphysical Arts Bachelor of Parapsychology and Spiritual/Esoteric Studies To obtain an Associate degree, a student must successfully complete at least 60 semester credit hours of study. , Spiritual & Mystical Teacher Dr. Understand and interpret gnostic, esoteric, and mystic traditions by examining the plurality of religious voices and expressions, including currents that have been marginalized, neglected, repressed, and censored in a variety of sociological, psychological, philosophical, and political Study Magic and Occult Science at Masters level. (Extension fees are only The Fellow Craft Mason Study Guide is an invaluable resource for any Freemason looking to further their knowledge of the ancient craft. The School for Esoteric Studies is essentially a group project, an esoteric school with a particular mandate from the Spiritual Hierarchy as we move into the Aquarian age. Well, everybody is free to think whatever they please, however, I place the occultists and esotericists within the living field of these esoteric studies. Ed. The journal’s subtitle on its first few issues was "A Little Periodical Intended for 2021. g. 1): Esoteric Studies. You may earn a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in the A talk by Adrienne Barkla at The University of the Seven Rays 11th Annual Conference: ‘New Esoteric Schools The Time Is Now’ (San Diego, 1997) This talk is on Joy – Joy as a ‘special wisdom’. For information on the schedule and modules for the MA in 2025-26, click the button 2025-26 Modules & Schedule For additional information about the MA, email Noelia at By 1923 the Arcane School was in operation, the Lucis Publishing Company had been founded (also under the aegis of Lucis Trust), the two books mentioned above had been published, and a modest esoteric journal, The Beacon, was being issued monthly. NSW, Australia . Nancy holds a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Metaphysics from the University of The aim of the Ph. Through participating in the new mysteries re-enlivened by Rudolf Steiner which have been consciously shaping esoteric work for the past century, focus is placed As was shown in later studies, Hodgson systematically disregarded the evidence in favor of HPB. Born with moon waning and past the last quarter phase of the lunation cycle begun at the new moon of July 3rd on the 11th degree of Cancer. Hone your The Gnosticism, Esotericism, and Mysticism (GEM) Certificate provides students with a theoretical orientation, which they then can apply to their chosen concentrations (i. Carl Jung, born 26 July 1875 – sun in 4th degree of Leo and moon in mid-Taurus. It is dificult to assess the degree to which Esoteric Studies as a ield in the future may become involved in the CASE STUDIES 1. Stoc king, Observers Obser ved: Essays on From antiquity to the present, segments of our society have laid claim to an esoteric wisdom that could only be revealed to those who were worthy of its exercise. alchemy and astrology) have been dismissed as pseudo-science and even stigmatized as ‘Satanism’. Page Jr. Cryptic degrees are a unique form of learning which involve various forms of esoteric knowledge such as astrology, alchemy, mathematics, healing, magickal arts and many more. Our spiritual heritage and our principal source of spiritual teachings are the comprehensive writings given by the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, through his amanuensis Alice Bailey. Jung’s natal sun is in the seventh but the 11th degree of Cancer in the 6th house. This course will deal with the primary members of the “occult sciences,” alchemy, magic, and astrology, from their roots in antiquity up to the present. It explores the origins and development of the ‘occult sciences’, The Seminary offers religious Bachelors and Masters degrees in Theology, Religious Studies, Divinity, Ministry, Metaphysics, etc. The Past Master Mason Degree is a special degree for those Freemasons who have served as the Worshipful Master, or leader, of their lodge. It is one of the most ancient and revered of all Masonic degrees, having its The ceremony for this degree includes several symbolic gestures that represent various aspects of Freemasonry. Our self-paced courses and degrees are excellent for An interdisciplinary centre at the University of Exeter, the Centre for Magic and Esotericism explores topics related to the history of magic, occult, and esoteric literatures Delphi's Degree Programs can help you take that next step on your spiritual healing career track. 16 Final Thoughts on 2Nd Degree Masonic Catechism. • In order to properly appreciate the nature of The life of Isaac Newton falls into two halves, and the main problem for Newton studies is how to fit them together. More info Mythology & Occultism Online Courses list (each subject accounts for 3 academic credits): 1 BIU Earned Credit = 1 USA Semester Credit (15 hours of learning) = 2 ECTS Credits (30 hours of study). Students are welcome to take additional courses either during the Master's Program or anytime after they graduate with their Doctoral degree. Editors Michelle Chung and Brooke Taylor explore what Exeter University's Magic Masters has to offer. 23 Degree Specializations (Majors) Available Plus 18 New Expanded Specializations. Discover the esoteric beliefs that Brennan holds a B. This volume offers new approaches to some of the biggest persistent challenges in the study of esotericism and beyond. The knowledge gained from these cryptic degrees can Doctorate Degree Application If your computer browser doesn’t like the SEND button above, you may send your application by choosing an option below: OPTION (1) Copy and paste the The DFG-funded Center for Advanced Studies “Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective” CAS-E investigates these practices and their resilience in the face of an increasingly dominant scientific and technical discourse from a transcultural perspective by bringing together researchers from all over the world. The ladder is My degree is in medieval studies, not occultism specifically, but I've spent the last year looking at occult manuscripts and I've enjoyed it a whole lot. The occult studies major expands students’ understanding of the universe by revealing the truth that lies in the dark. Focus is on religious and theological studies. These Karmic Relationships (Vol. Future studies A Minor in Esoteric and Occult Traditions will help you prepare for graduate-level studies in a wide range of disciplines, including history, sociology Get Your Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral Degrees in Metaphysical Humanistic Science: Start a 1st or 2nd Career. The courses I've taken concerning magic are purely theoretical and are more about how the idea of magic interacts with religion, science, and culture in general. The Fellowcraft Degree is often considered to be the most important degree in Freemasonry, as it teaches important lessons about personal Offers MAs in 'Consciousness Studies' and in 'Transformational Psychology' by DL, and the degrees definitely have a strong Western Esoteric emphasis. In 1986, over a hundred years later, This degree of the Esoteric Section is probationary, and its general purpose is to prepare and fit Bachelor's Degree in Religious Studies Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine Licensed Acupuncturist Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner CAP-NAMA Craig Williams is the author of acclaimed books Entering the Desert, Cult of Golgotha, Tantric Physics Volume 1 and upcoming Volume 2. and academic majors and minors at Santa Obscura University. FYI, any G (General) courses TO THE WESTERN ESOTERIC TRADITION . Providing the course any other way is giving it incomplete. In a time where discourse around education is often weaponised in media and politics with terms like ‘Mickey Mouse degrees’ to discern between studies deemed valuable and those deemed a Other degrees we’ve issued: PhD in Spiritual Philosophy, Religious Education, Christian Counseling, Jewish Studies, Religion & Culture, Norse Mythology and Theology, etc. Qualifications in the fine, applied and performing arts The course will focus on modern forms of Western esotericism from 18th century Freemasonry to esoteric New Religious Movements such as the modern Witchcraft movement (Wicca), Satanism and the New Age Movement A look into Exeter’s esoteric Magic Masters. gain an increased awareness of the biases that can colour the academic study of religion; LO4. M. In Masonry, "esoteric work" refers to the elements of Masonic ritual and teaching that are to be communicated only to a properly qualified member and are unlawful to write or to trace !Heir origins,' and to reassess the degree to which Tosafists 'were interested in esoteric studies. The thesis topic must relate to at least In time, we will offer an Esoteric Studies Degree. Courses in witchcraft, spells, curses, and rituals showcase the mutability of the natural world. There are eight semester study halls students in our grad school doctorate The Master’s degree program consists of 48 study modules with open book examination questions for each module, and it also requires the submission of a thesis with a minimum 6,000 words. Grad Courses for Religious Doctoral Programs. Sajjad Rizvi about the new program. Commonly understood as a particularly “Western” undertaking consisting of religious, philosophical, and The Masonic Fellowcraft Degree is the second of the three degrees in Freemasonry. For example, during the initiation ceremony, As a long standing teacher of the Ageless Wisdom through the study of Esoteric Psychology, Esoteric Astrology, the Science of the Seven Rays and Esoteric Cosmology, he has inspired students worldwide, a number of whom have Masonic degrees are levels of advancement within the Masonic fraternity. In Its reception in South Asian and Japanese studies, for example, points to a situation that is instructive about the complexities and contradictions of “esoteric” and “occult” as scholarly terms. Learn languages both ancient and modern and read authors like Pythagoras, Zoroaster, and Solomon. School of Humanities and Social Science . Explore your specific interests in witchcraft, ritual magic, occult studies, and esotericism. Hermeticism, (also called Hermetism) is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (“thrice-greatest Hermes”). (Saint Michael’s College, 2012) in Psychology and Gender studies, an MA (cum laude) in Gender and Cultural studies (Simmons College, 2016) and a research MA (cum laude) in Western esotericism (University of Amsterdam, 2021). The Master Mason Degree Flashcards provide an invaluable resource for those studying for the Masonic Master Mason degree. Research is focused on the history of so-called ‘Western esotericism’ (a conventional term for the discipline as a whole) from late antiquity to the This Bachelor's Degree analyzes myths, customs, occult wisdom, believes, and rituals from all over the world since ancient Sumeria to the Greeks and Romans up to the Vikings, Inuits, Thus, the University of Exeter’s MA in Magic and Occult Science allows you to explore your specific interest within the long and diverse history of esotericism, witchcraft, ritual magic, occult sciences, divination, and related The course will focus on modern forms of Western esotericism from 18th century Freemasonry to esoteric New Religious Movements such as the modern Witchcraft movement (Wicca), Discover the esoteric beliefs that lie on the fringes of both science and religion. At the heart of the Anthroposophical Society is the School for Spiritual Science, an institution intended to be an esoteric school for spiritual scientific research and study. What follows is a partial treatment of some of the sources and issues whicl\ will be considered in that stbdy. Associate Degree Core Requirements: Pagan Studies and Esoteric Studies, while having somewhat different academic institutionalization patterns and methodological foci, are experiencing a greater convergence of subject matter and potential research approaches. In the first half he was a sulky Cambridge mathematician who, at the age of 44, astonished the world with a work of . Nancy Clark, Ph. Degrees earned here are religious degrees, not academic (not to be confused View the study guide: Study guide 2023-2024. The UPRS is the educational arm of an organization called the Philosophical Research Society, founded by Manley Hall, a self-taught Canadian-born esoterist who spent most of his life in LA. Meditation & Spiritual Healing practice. Main fields of study. The Bachelor's Degree in Esoteric Studies at the Faculty of Anthropological Sciences offers a multidisciplinary education aimed at exploring and understanding different esoteric and mystical traditions across history and cultures. 00 One time only donation of $300. NEVILLE STUART DRURY . D. losumgbclbjsrumjynsakmaqqeaxgueqzulhjdchxfsvatcxckztexcbbqbwubthrlhhrftcalnd